There is a lot to think about when you have a new child and often the last thing on your mind is having a Will to ensure that your children’s future is protected. But it is one of the most important things that you can do.

What is a Will?

Younger parents can be forgiven for thinking that Wills are for older people and have no bearing on them. A Will, however, is an important legal document that expresses your wishes on how your children will be raised if you are not around to do it yourself. In your Will you can designate a Guardian to care for your children and also Trustees to manage your Children’s inheritance, until they are old enough to do so themselves.

If you are not married.

If you are not married to your partner, they are not automatically legally entitled to your estate. Common-law marriage does not exist and unmarried couples have very few rights compared to those that are married.

A Will, therefore, gives clear, legal protection for your children and family and peace of mind to you.

Once you’ve done it, it won’t keep you up at night, even if your baby does.

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